Violent Anti-Jewish Pogroms Rage Across Nazi-occupied Territory (Kristallnacht), 1938

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On This Day in Jewish History: November 9, 1938


#onthisday, 1938, nearly one year to the date of the release of “The Eternal Jew” exhibition, Nazis instigate pogroms throughout Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia that would later be known with the euphemism, Kristallnacht (Night of Crystals) – which served to downplay the horrors and tragedy done against the Jewish People over the next two days.


What one year earlier may have seemed as simply just a “museum exhibition”, now had justified violence throughout the very same regions that “The Eternal Jew” had been taken on tour (see our post on 11.8.20 for further context)


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✍: @madelynilana





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