UN Partition Plan Approved; Jews Accept & Arabs Reject, 1947

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/un-partition-plan-approved-jews-accept-arabs-reject-1947/

#OTDJH: November 29, 1947


#onthisday, 1947, the newly formed United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of establishing both a Jewish and Arab state in the geographic region of Palestine. Jews accepted, Arabs rejected.


As Einat Wilf so eloquently phrased over on Twitterdotcom: “the day the Jews said yes to statehood, yes to self-determination, even if only on part of the land promised by the League of Nations, even if it was without Zion and Judea. Yes, so that we could finally govern ourselves, by ourselves. Yes.”


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✍: @jewishistoryguy




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