The Jewish Agency for Israel is Founded, 1929

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On This Day in Jewish History: August 11th, 1929

The Jewish Agency for Israel was founded #onthisday, August 11th, 1929.


The Jewish Agency is an international body representing the World Zionist Organization, created by Chaim Weizmann, with headquarters in Jerusalem.


The Organization serves as the main link between Israel and Jewish communities around the world. In the years before and after the founding of the state, the Jewish Agency oversaw the establishment of about 1,000 towns and villages. Its purpose is to assist and encourage Jews worldwide to help develop and live in Israel.


To “ensure that every Jewish person feels an unbreakable bond to one another and to Israel no matter where they live in the world, so that they can continue to play their critical role in our ongoing Jewish story.”


It is best known as the primary organization fostering the immigration (“Aliyah”) and absorption of Jews and their families from the Jewish diaspora into Israel. Since 1948, the Jewish Agency for Israel has brought over 3 million immigrants to Israel and offers them transitional housing in “absorption centers” throughout the country.


As of 2020, the Jewish Agency operates and/or funds programs worldwide that connect young Jews to Israel and their Jewish identity, such as “Israel experience” trips, Jewish summer camps and day school programs, and encounters with Israelis.


They also connect young Israelis through sister-city style partnerships in Partnership2Gether; support for Reform, Conservative and Modern Orthodox educational programs; and the Ami-Unity initiative.


The Agency also helps vulnerable populations in Israel, such as Youth Futures mentoring programs, residential Youth Villages for teens at risk, and Amigour housing for the elderly.


Check them out here @jewishagencyfor more information and resources!

Text Source:

Image Source: The Jewish Agency for Israel


✍: @_tikvah

