The Częstochowa Ghetto Uprising Begins, 1943

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On This Day in Jewish History: June 25th, 1943



Today began the Częstochowa Ghetto Uprising: a five day revolt against the Nazis by the Jews of the ghetto.


The ghetto, in south-central Poland, contained both the Jews who originally lived in Czestochowa as well as those who were relocated from the surrounding towns.


At the beginning, the ghetto contained around 40,000 people and at its peak, right before deportations began, 48,000 Jews. The majority of the inhabitants were deported to the Treblinka Extermination Camp in late 1942, though some Jews were allowed to remain. .

From the beginning of 1943 the Nazis moved to liquidate the ghetto. They began with mass executions and ‘selections’ of Jews to be sent to labor camps. In response, around 300 Jews, led by Mordechaj Zylberberg, formed the Jewish Fighting Organization and on June 25th they began fighting back. During the five days of fighting around 2,000 Jews were killed.


After the uprising, the Nazis captured 3,900 Jews and sent them to labor camps and in December 1943, the remaining 1200 Jews were sent to Buchenwald and Dachau where they perished. Instead of closing the ghetto, the Nazis brought about 10,000 Jews from Skarżysko-Kamienna and 5,200 of them were liberated by the Soviet Army in January 1945. .



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