The Camp David Summit Begins, 2000

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On This Day in Jewish History: July 11th, 2000


The Camp David Summit began #onthisday in 2000. The summit brought together US President Bill Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and PA Chairman Yasser Arafat to negotiate a final peace plan to end conflict.


The Camp David Summit was a two-week long meeting which took place at the presidential retreat in Camp David, MD. It was a follow-up from the 1993 Oslo Accords during which Israel recognized the PLO as the representative of the Palestinians, divided the West Bank into zones of control and the PLO recognized the State of Israel.


During the summit they discussed the topics of territory, security, refugees, settlements, and Jerusalem/Temple Mount. The two groups were unable to reach a compromise and while the talks were taking place, a new wave of Palestinian violence (soon, to be called the Second Intifada) began with Arafat’s tacit approval.


The summit was followed by a White House meeting in December 2000 where a final plan was revealed (although never formally written down) which would have given the Palestinians the majority of the West Bank (96-97%) as well as Gaza and East Jerusalem as the capital. In return, Israel would have control over the Western Wall and have three early warning stations in the Jordan Valley for six years. This too was never fully accepted by either side and the talks failed.


Arafat was unwilling to recognize the Jewish historical connection to the Temple Mount and in reality, the Land as a whole. A majority of Israelis felt that Barak compromised too much. Barak lost the next election in 2001 to Ariel Sharon who did not continue peace talks but rather focused on security issues that had arisen due to the violence that was now being considered as the Second Intifada.



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