Sbarro Massacre, 2001.

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On This Day in Jewish History: August 9th, 2001:

The Sbarro Massacre, also known as the Sbarro restaurant suicide bombing occurred #onthisday August 9th, 2001.


One of the many suicide bombing attacks of the 2nd Intifada, the result of this horrific massacre included the deaths of 15 civilians ranging in various ages and left 130 individuals severely wounded. May the innocent lost be remembered in blessing.


Situated at one of the busiest corners in Jerusalem, the Sbarro pizza shop was a prime target for mass causalities. At approximately 2 PM, Ahlam Tamimi guided Palestinian suicide bomber, Izz al-Din Shuheil al-Masri from Aqabah to the restaurant.


Carried out during Thursday’s rush hour, the pizza shop and surrounding area were flooded with people going about their daily lives.


Right before Al-Masri detonated the bomb, Tamimi left unnoticed, disguised as a Jewish tourist. Al-Masri carried a disguised guitar case and a suicide belt with explosives that included bolts, nails, explosives. He ultimately detonated the bomb. The victims were all civilians that included a pregnant American, an elderly Brazilian, and thirteen Israelis.


Following the attack, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement and Hamas both took ownership of the horrific atrocity.


Hamas stated that the Sbarro Massacre was a result of Israel’s engagement in assassinating two Hamas leaders and six Palestinian civilians caught in the crossfire.


Ahlam Tamimi was sentenced to 16 life sentences and expressed no remorse for her direct role and the casualties that came from the attack. Years later, Tamimi was released from her life sentences as part of the exchange for captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit.


The aftermath and the impact of the Sbarro Massacre can be seen to this day. Multiple family members of the victims started charities such as the ONE Family Fund, The Malki Foundation, Partners in Kindness and a writing column titled, “A Daily Dose of Kindness” in their honor and to bring light to the situation.


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✍: @shiraayzzz_

