Rovno Jews are Executed, 1942

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On This Day in Jewish History: July 13th, 1942



5,000 Jews of Rovno are executed by the Nazis #onthisday and serves as an eternal reminder that Nazi atrocities were not limited to the gas chambers.


This began the third phase of the Nazi plan to murder all of the Jews in Rovno. Due to the location of Rovno in Polish Ukraine, many Jews fleeing Nazi rule ended up in the largely Jewish, Rovno.


This meant that by June 1941 there were around 30,000 Jews in Rovno. When they heard that the Nazis were coming many tried to flee but only around 3,000 were successfully able to. On June 28,1941 the Nazis invaded Rovno and later that year created the Rovno Ghetto.


There were three phases of “cleansing” done by the Nazis in order to kill all of the Jews in Rovno. The first phase occurred in July and August 1941 when around 3,000 Jews were killed pogrom style. Then, in November of 1941, over the course of three days, the Nazis killed 17,500 Jewish men and women in mass shootings right next to the ghetto. They killed 6,000 children only a short distance away. This left very few Jews in the Rovno ghetto for the winter and spring but those remaining were completely locked inside.


#onthisday – July 13, 1942 the final liquidation, the third phase, occurred. During the night of July 13, the Nazis stormed into houses and forced the remaining 5,000 Jews into cattle cars.


Anyone who resisted was whipped in an attempt to force them to cooperate and if they did not, they were shot on the spot. Children were murdered in houses and anyone who barricaded themselves inside their house had a hand grenade thrown in to kill them.


The Nazis brought the 5,000 Jews on cattle cars to Kostopil where they were shot and buried in a mass grave. An eyewitness account of the night said that there were corpses lying on the street, houses completely demolished and belongings strewn around. There were no survivors of the incident. Very few people from the Rovno Ghetto remained after the war but those who were able to escape and had hid in the forest liberated Rovno with the Soviet army on February 2,1944.



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