Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, "the Rebbe" passes away, 1994 (5754)

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/rabbi-menachem-mendel-schneerson-the-rebbe-passes-away-1994-5754/

On This Day in Jewish History: Hebrew Calendar Alert – 3rd of Tammuz, 5754




Menachem Mendel Schneerson z”l, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, or simply known as “the Rebbe” passes away on this day in 5754 (June 12th, 1994)


It’s tough to put into words the immensity of the impact the Rebbe had (and continues to have) on the Jewish People, Jewish identity, and Jewish spirituality. .

In a post-Holocaust world where assimilation within the Jewish community seemingly “made sense” and began to happen at an incredibly rapid pace – the Rebbe took it upon himself to play a role in combating it from the inside. Projecting the teachings of Chassidut, Chabad Lubavitch, and the Ba’al Shem Tov (amongst others), the Rebbe turned a small Hasidic movement into one of the most influential Jewish organizations in the world. His mission of spreading the light of Torah to every Jew, regardless of their level of belief, was epitomized by his sending of emissaries (shluchim) to set up Jewish centers wherever they could – today making up an international network of over 3,000 spiritual, educational, and social centers. As mentioned in our May 15th/21st of Iyar post regarding the founding of Kfar Chabad in Israel, in some countries today, the only sign of any Jewish life is thanks to Chabad Lubavitch. .


The Rebbe went on to write over 300 volumes worth of spiritual and religious thought and was known for miraculous testimonies based off individual encounters. So much so, that many of his followers believe he is the messiah – creating a friction amongst members of Chabad who don’t agree with this position. .

His grave, the Ohel in Queens, NY, is visited by hundreds of people a day (Jewish & non-Jewish alike) to pay respects and pray by the burial site of one of the most influential people in Jewish History.



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