Nuremberg Race Laws Enacted, 1935

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On This Day in Jewish History: September 15th, 1935

The Nuremberg Race Laws were enacted #onthisday, 1935. They consisted of two key laws which provided the legal framework for the systemic antisemitism that led to the mass killing of Jews during the Holocaust within the next 10 years.


The Nuremberg Laws consisted of two separate laws: the Reich Citizenship Law and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.

The laws stated that any person with Jewish grandparents is considered a Jew regardless of their beliefs or previous conversion. Jews are no longer considered citizens but rather only subjects, and it banned marriage between Germans and Jews.


Jews were also forbidden from employing a German woman under 45 to work in their home because the Germans feared that that could lead to a relationship.


These laws reversed the emancipation and full rights which had been previously granted to German Jews, originally making Germany an attractive place for Jews to live.


In November of that year, Romani and Black people were added to the laws and discriminated against as well.


The Nuremberg Laws had negative social and economic impacts on the German Jews. Many Jews were arrested for violating the marriage law and were sent to jail and later concentration camps for harsh labor, murder, or both.


Germans stopped socializing with and shopping in Jewish stores causing most to go out of business.


Also, when they were stripped of their citizenship, Jews working in civil service, medicine, and education lost their jobs and had to work in menial jobs causing a loss of the Jewish middle class.


It was very hard for Jews to emigrate anywhere because they had to give up 90% of their wealth as part of the 1931 Reich Flight Tax before leaving and no countries really wanted to accept Jews.


These laws were the first major step in the Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews.


Source Text:

Image Source: Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, Inv. Nr.: DG 90/6011, © Bundesarchiv

✍: @rebeccaroth01

