Major Roi Klein Saves Israeli Soldiers in 2nd Lebanon War, 2006

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On This Day in Jewish History: July 26th, 2006



Major Roi Klein jumps on a grenade in Southern Lebanon amidst the 2nd Lebanon War to save his fellow soldiers. Zichron Le’vracha. May his memory be only in blessing.


Born in 1975 in Raanana, Roi’s parents were Holocaust survivors. Growing up, Roi was a member of the youth movement, Bnei Akiva. He excelled in mathematics in high school to the point where he took actual college courses. As he approached his millitary service, Roi began regularly jogging from Raanana to Netanya (~14 miles) to prepare physically and mentally.


Drafting in 1994 into the Paratroopers Brigade, Roi first saw combat in the security zone of Southern Lebanon as part of the Egoz Reconnaissance Unit of Golani to fight the guerilla incursions. As a founding member of the brigade, Roi quickly became a member of Golani and rose through the ranks before ending his service in 1998.


Upon discharge, Roi devoted himself to studying Torah and travelling around Africa. When he returned to Israel, Roi rejoined his Egoz Unit as the commander – building the training plan that became the model for the unit.


In 2002, Roi got married to his wife Sarah and they had two sons: Gilad and Yoav. He would soon begin studying industrial engineering, graduating with honors. By 2006, Klein was promoted as Deputy Commander of the 51st Battalion of Golani.


Following the outbreak of the 2nd Lebanon War (7/12 post), Roi and his unit were in Bint Jbeil and were ambushed by Hezbollah. A hand grenade was thrown over the wall right where the unit was posted. Seeing no alternative option, Roi jumped on the live grenade – muffling the explosion and saving the unit. His comrades reported to have heard him yell “Shema Yisrael” as he jumped on the grenade.


Critically wounding him and another soldier nearby, Roi Klein died a hero #onthisday. Posthumously, Klein received the Medal of Valor, Israel’s highest military award and is forever remembered for today’s fateful events.



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