Knesset Building Inaugurated, 1966

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On This Day in Jewish History: August 30th, 1966

#onthisday, 1966, the Knesset Building was inagurated and dedicated in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem.


The ceremony had over 6,000 attendees, including the heads of 44 countries and emissaries from 47 Jewish-Diaspora communities.


Architecturally, the most interesting areas of the original building are the plenum hall, Chagall State Hall, library, cabinet room, and the committee rooms.


The Knesset functions as the unicameral national parliamentary legislature of Israel. Made up of 120 seats, the government is run by the party with control of a majority of seats following a national election.


Currently, the Knesset is struggling to maintain a lasting and functional government with 3 elections in the last year and a half and a shaky unity government that may be on track for a 4th election.


As the legislative branch of the Israeli government, the Knesset passes all laws, and selects the President and Prime Minister – although the latter is ceremonially appointed by the President following a national election.


The Knesset also approves the cabinet and supervises the general work and responsibilities of the Israeli government.


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✍: @_tikvah

