King Charles VI of France Expels Jews from France, 1394.

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On This Day in Jewish History: September 17th, 1394

#onthisday, 1394, King Charles VI of France issued an order expelling all Jews from France.


Previously, French Jews had to deal with burning of Torahs, Talmuds, as well additional taxes and economic restrictions on Jews.


Jews were blamed for the Black Plague in France and had been expelled numerous times, both on local and a national scales.


During the 13th and 14th centuries, many cities decided to temporarily expel their Jews and France itself expelled them in 1306.


In 1315, they were invited back but had to pay to be allowed in. Jews were also not allowed to discuss Judaism publicly and had to wear a distinctive badge to show everyone that they were Jews.


Suddenly, in 1394 King Charles VI decided that he wanted to expel the Jews again. They were given a short period of time to sell their possessions before being escorted out of the country.


Unlike with previous expulsions, this one was not temporary, rather it lasted centuries.


There was no Jewish population in France until the 1700’s when many Jews, fleeing discrimination from Eastern Europe returned to France.


The conditions of Jewish life in France improved after the French Revolution and during the period of Enlightenment.


Jews were given full citizenship and rights, but they still faced outright discrimination and unabashed antisemitism – culminating in the Dreyfus Affair of the late 19th, early 20th centuries.


During the Holocaust, most French Jews escaped but about 75,000 ended up in concentration camps.


Today, antisemitism in France has grown considerably and at an alarming rate – becoming the community of Diaspora Jews with highest rate of emigration to Israel in the last 10 years.


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✍: @rebeccaroth01

