Israel Unveils Official Flag, 1948

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: October 28, 1948


#onthisday 1948, the official flag of the State of Israel, featuring a white background with two horizontal blue stripes and the Star of David in its center – representative of the traditional tallit design (prayer shawl), was unveiled by the Israeli Provisional Council of State.


The Council was Israel’s initial legislative body before the election of the first Knesset in 1949.


Joseph Sprinzak was speaker, and on behalf of the Council, he proclaimed that the flag of Israel would be the same as that of the World Zionist Organization (WZO).


There was much debate regarding whether to start with a new flag or use the existing one, as opponents toward the latter believed that doing so would cause international confusion between the State’s citizens and WZO members.


Before the WZO flag was selected, alternative proposals were created, all featuring variations of the traditional blue-white color scheme and Star.


One well-known proposition, for example, was Nissim Sabbah’s design that added seven yellow stars to the WZO flag design (pictured bottom left of the four here)


Nevertheless, given the history of the flag as representing unity and Zionist strength, the WZO flag was ultimately selected


After the UN Partition Plan had been presented in 1947, the flag was hoisted in celebration.


Later, when Israel became a State, the flag had been used for decoration at the ceremony.


The design for the flag is credited to David Wolffsohn, president of the WZO in the early 1900s, who used the stripes on his tallit as inspiration.


The stripes are now understood to have a connection to Torah studies, and the Star of David symbolizes the new life of the Jewish People. Together, both elements represented the core of Israeli and Jewish tradition and future.


✍: @madelynilana




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