Israel Declares Independence, 1948

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: May 14th, 1948


A historic & emotional day in Jewish history as David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister and major player in pre-Israel Jewish return to the Land, declares independence of the first Jewish State in the Land of Israel in 2,000 years


Some of you may be a little confused: Wasn’t Yom Ha’atzmaut (Day of Independence) celebrated 2 weeks ago? YES, it was indeed. BUT that’s because in Israel, we celebrate this same day based on the Hebrew/Jewish calendar (5th of Iyar) when it occurred.


More on the significance and meaning behind the Jewish calendar compared to the Gregorian one in upcoming posts


If you were to visit Tel Aviv today, you can check out this very spot on 16 Rothschild Blvd where DBG made history. . .

Full video in bio, credit: ShlichimMetrowest.

