Hezbollah Bombing of the AMIA in Buenos Aires, 1994

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/hezbollah-bombing-of-the-amia-in-buenos-aires-1994/

On This Day in Jewish History: July 18th, 1994




Today is the 26th anniversary of the AMIA, Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina, bombing in Buenos Aires by Iranian Hezbollah terrorists. We solemnly commemorate the 85 lives lost in today’s terrible attack and condemn those responsible.


The Israeli-Argentine Mutual Association, a large Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, was attacked by a suicide bomber who drove a van with 275 kilograms of explosives into the building. The bombing killed 85 people and injured hundreds. The youngest victim in the attack was a five year old boy who was walking with his mother in front of the building right before the attack.


This came two years after a bombing on the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires. Both bombings are believed to have been carried out by Hezbollah with direct Iranian support.


This was never proven in court due to multiple events of obstruction during the investigation, rising up the ranks of the Argentine government at the time of the bombing. The special prosecutor in the case was found dead on the day he was scheduled to testify regarding evidence that Iran was behind the attack and the Argentinian government covered it up. Although his death was first ruled a suicide, it was later recognized as a murder.


On February 28, 2019 eight government officials were convicted for obstructing the investigation. To this day there are red notices on Interpol for Iranian officials believed to be responsible for the attack yet nobody has been arrested.


The AMIA bombing was the deadliest terrorist attack in Argentina’s history. Argentina is also home to South America’s largest Jewish community and this attack greatly impacted the sense of security felt by the community who to this day demands answers for the 85 lives lost 26 years ago #today.



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