Greetings & Chag Sameach from Jerusalem!

Hi everyone! My name is Meyer Grunberg, along with Isaac am the co-founder of this community and Jewish content hub. Since we started our Jewish history page in May, 2020, the goal was always to take our efforts beyond social media and BH with the launch of this community - we are doing just that.

I am originally from Venezuela, I grew up near Miami and made Aliyah to Israel 2 years ago BH. I love researching, hiking, travelling, spending quality time with quality people and more than all - I love being Jewish.

Looking forward to being on this journey with you all! Shabbat shalom and chag sameach!


Hi! Thanks for creating this community. I do hope to have a better comprehension of what judaism is like !


Welcome! Happy to have you. Any questions that immediately stand out?

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