Founder of Chabad, the Alter Rebbe's Yahrzeit, 5573

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On This Day in Jewish History: Tevet 24, 5573


#onthisday, 5573, the founder of Chabad-Lubavitch, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi z”l (The Alter Rebbe) passes away. The Alter Rebbe is considered as one of the leading figures in modern Jewish times in terms of his genius contribution to spiritual, ethical and mystical Jewish thought. At the same time, during his lifetime, he founded one of the most continually successful Jewish projects: Chabad-Lubavitch.


We honor his legacy, the work his followers and descendants have done, and remember him in blessing today, on his yahrzeit.


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✍: @jewishistoryguy


Source: @chabadorg




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