Fast of Gedaliah

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: Tishrei 3.


#onthisday, Tishrei 3, observant Jews around the world will be fasting from sunrise to sundown – commemorating the murder of Gedaliah, one of the last Governors of Judea (Rosh Hashana, 3339) and the end of Jewish self-determination in the Land of Israel, pre Second Temple Era. To those fasting, may you have an easy and meaningful fast.


The significance of today’s fast lies in that it is one of 4 fasts during the Hebrew calendar that is directly connected to the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem.


In today’s case, Gedaliah ben Achikam had been the governor set up by the Babylonian empire following the destruction of the First Temple.


Gedaliah was to oversee the remaining Jews in Judea. Many who had fled to the surrounding areas returned upon hearing of his appointment.


Under Gedaliah’s leadership, the Jews thrived and worked to reinvigorate the land destroyed by the Babylonians and other invaders.


Like many politicians, there were those that loved him and others that despised him. Ishmael Ben Netaniah, a member of a royal Judean household, grew jealous of Gedaliah. He also saw his connection to the Babylonians as a form of betrayal. So, Ishmael sought to assassinate him.


Gedaliah heard of Ishmael’s plans, but chose to believe that he would never actually act in such an evil manner.


Ultimately, on Rosh Hashana (Hebrew year, 3339), Ishmael approached Gedaliah who was amidst a holiday feast with Jews and Babylonians present. Ishmael and his 10 men proceeded to murder Gedaliah and everyone at the feast.


These tragic and insidious events were followed by immense bloodshed in the region.


Most Jews had to flee again, this time to Egypt, effectively ending Jewish presence in the Holy Land until Jewish exiles returned from Babylon in 371 BCE.


✍: @mayogrammo



References for Further Readings: