Expulsion of Jews in Breslau, Germany, 1360

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/expulsion-of-jews-in-breslau-germany-1360/

On This Day in Jewish History: July 25th, 1360



Jews in Breslau, Germany were expelled once again on this day.


They were expelled following a large fire in the city which was blamed on the entire Jewish community. This led to the death of the leaders and heads of families, followed by the outright expulsion of the Jews.


They were forced to give up their property and many of their belongings and find a new place to live. This same situation had already happened eleven years earlier in 1349 during the Black Plague. In both events the expulsion only lasted around two years before the Jews were allowed to settle in Breslau once again.


In Breslau, Jews were only allowed to be money lenders and were not allowed to join any guilds – a main source of income in medieval times. Even with the restrictions placed on them, Jews were able to be successful and the Jewish population grew every year.


The cycle of expulsion and readmission ended in 1453 when 41 Jews were burned at the stake (image 2) after a trial for alleged profanation of the Host. Following the trial, all Jews were expelled and in 1455 the Czech King Ladislaus issued the status “de non tolerandis Judaeis” to the town which prohibited them from accepting Jews.


This status stayed in effect until 1744 when Prussia annexed Breslau and allowed a Jewish community to form there once again.



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