Emmanuel Lasker Becomes Youngest World Chess Champion, 1894

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/emmanuel-lasker-becomes-youngest-world-chess-champion-1894/

On This Day in Jewish History: May 26th, 1894 :chess_pawn:



The son of a German-Jewish family, Emmanuel Lasker – regarded as the greatest chess player of all time – becomes the youngest World Chess Champion at the age of 26. Soon after, Lasker took the scene by storm – winning tournaments in St. Petersburg, Nürnberg, London and Paris.


In 1902, Lasker took a break from chess to get his doctorate in mathematics from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. By 1904, he began to play again while publishing a magazine called “Lasker’s Chess Magazine” (not much creativity from our boy genius there )


He went on to hold the title until 1921 and played through 1925 at which point he retired. After the Nazis confiscated his property in 1933, Lasker escaped to the US & came out of retirement where he again, competed at the highest levels, except now at a surprisingly old age. . .

Lasker’s legacy is one that not only changed chess strategy and the way the game is played forever, but he opened the door for players to demand a higher pay as professionals of the game. . .

In 1896 he wrote a book (with a far more creative title ) called “Common Sense in Chess” that is still considered a classic. . .


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