Elie Wiesel Passes Away, 2016

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/elie-wiesel-passes-away-2016/

On This Day in Jewish History: July 2nd, 2016




On a more somber note, today we commemorate the passing of Elie Weisel z”l who passed away #onthisday at the age of 87.


During his many years on this planet, Elie Weisel wrote 57 books (in French & English) including his most famous piece: “Night” where he wrote about his experiences with his father as prisoners in Auschwitz|Buchenwald amidst the Holocaust. Weisel would lose his sister, mother, and watch his father die right before the camp was liberated in 1945. Today, translated in over 30 languages, Night continues to play an instrumental role in Holocaust education and literature.


Weisel survived to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, was an outspoken advocate against Genocide & complicity, and a professor of humanities at Boston University where the Elie Weisel Center for Jewish Studies was created in his honor. Although his faith in God was shaken following the Holocaust, Weisel stayed committed to Jewish causes such as helping establish the US Holocaust Memorial Musesum in DC. Additionally, as part of his activism, he campaigned for victims of atrocities in places like South Africa, Kosovo and Sudan.


Today, we look to the past to mourn the life of a “bigger than life” individual while also focusing on his teachings and actions as a guide for us to learn from for the future.




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