Egypt and Israel Sign Camp David Accords, 1978

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: September 17th, 1978

#onthisday, 1978, after two weeks of secret negotiations, Egyptain President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign the Camp David Accords – making Egypt the first Arab nation to make peace and normalize relations with Israel.


The two sides were brought together by US President Jimmy Carter and the accords stabilized the tumultuous relationship between Egypt and Israel who had been at war since 1948.


Part of the deal was the partial implementation of UN Resolution 242 which included withdrawing Israeli military and civilians from land acquired during the Six-Day War – this was only applied to the Sinai Peninsula.


The deal also stated that Israel recognize the rights of the Palestinians and begin a process to give them a level of autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza.


The second agreement, called “A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel,” was a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel.


The treaty called for Israel to withdraw their troops from the Sinai Peninsula.


It called for Egypt to end the blockade on the Suez Canal and the Straits of Tiran. America also had to provide large sums in military aid to both Egypt and Israel.


The Camp David Accords were able to foster a diplomatic relationship between Egypt and Israel, but they were not accepted positively by other groups and although the peace has been maintained to this day, there is little interaction between Israeli and Egyptain civilians.


Egypt’s education system continues to foster hateful material towards Israel, Jews, and is considered a highly antisemitic country.


The Arab League viewed Egypt’s willingness to recognize Israel as a betrayal and suspended Egypt from the Arab League. This continued until 1989 when they were reinstated.

.Text Source:

Image Source: (AP/Bob Daugherty)

✍: @rebeccaroth01

