Destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem, 586 BCE & 70 CE

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On This Day in Jewish History: Hebrew Calendar Alert – 9th of Av, 586 BCE and 70 CE



#onthisday we commemorate (amongst a bevy of calamities on the Jewish People) the destruction of the Temples located in Jerusalem. This evening, observant Jews will commence a 25 hour fast and mourn these calamities. For a deeper understanding of this day, check out our episode of @two.tall.jews_show on Spotify.


Both Temples were destroyed on the exact same day, the first by the Babylonians and the second by the Romans. Both times, the conquering empire laid siege to Jerusalem for many months before breaking through the walls to the city.


Exactly three weeks ago, both empires broke through the walls on the 17th of Tammuz. After three weeks of destroying the city and killing Jews, they burned down each Temple.


This resulted in the expulsion of the Jewish People from Jerusalem and Judea as a whole. In the case of the destruction of the 2nd Temple, a shift to Rabbinic Judaism became central focus.


In Jewish tradition, this day is considered the saddest day in Jewish history and has been riddled with unfortunate events since 1312 BCE when the spies in the desert returned #onthisday with negative reports of the Land which caused the nation to fear for their lives, a lack of faith, and no desire to enter Israel.


Other events which are known to have happened on this day in the Hebrew calendar: the defeat of the Jews in the Bar Kochva revolt with the massacre in Betar in 133 CE, the 1290 expulsion from England, and the 1492 expulsion from Spain, and the remaining Jews of Warsaw were shipped off to Treblinka in 1943.


The fast lasts 25 hours from sundown to sundown. It is also customary to refrain from wearing leather or perfumes and to sit on a low chair or the floor until midday tomorrow. Megillat Aicha (Lamentations) and kinnot (elegies) are read in synagogues beginning at night and continuing throughout the next day.


May we be blessed to celebrate next year in Jerusalem with the Third Temple and the coming of Mashiach.



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