Debbie Friedman Makes Her Debut, 1996

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: January 7, 1996


#onthisday, 1996, Jewish-American folk singer and songwriter, Debbie Friedman, makes her debut at Carnegie Hall in NYC. Friedman was known for her incredible ability to merge the ancient melodies of Hebrew with contemporary English. Perhaps her most popular track is a rendition of “Mi Shebeirach” – a Jewish prayer for healing.


While we know this is primarily said for the sake of an individual’s physical refuah shlema [complete healing], we at @onthisdayinjewishistory and @two.tall.jews_show say this particular Mi Shebeirach from Debbie for the sake of the US’ healing following one of the most shocking displays of violence and antisemitism.


We educate, inspire, share, take action and learn as much as we can. All while we do this, we pray and have faith. However you may connect by whatever ritual, tapping into the Oneness that’s truly in control can have a big long term effect. That’s probably what Debbie would have wanted.


✍: @metropolis_starship




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