Birthday of Yitzchak Shamir, 1915

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: October 22, 1915


#onthisday, 1915, Israeli Prime Minister and Zionist leader Yitzhak Shamir was born in Ruzinoy, Poland.


As a young man, Shamir was a member of the Betar Zionist youth movement, advocating for the creation of the State of Israel and the growth of Hebrew education.


While living in Warsaw, he also studied law before moving to then British Mandated Palestine and enrolling in Jerusalem’s Hebrew University.


As a student in Jerusalem, Shamir had other priorities, namely his involvement in the Lohamei Herut Yisrael, Lechi (Israel Freedom Fighters).


While he served as a member of this underground defense organization, he was subjected to multiple episodes of detainment. In 1943, he escaped a British detention camp, and in 1947, he escaped another camp in Eritrea. Both times, he found his way back to Israel and secured his position as director of operations for the Lechi. He maintained this position until 1950, when the Israel Defense Forces took shape.


Shamir became involved in politics when he was elected to Israel’s Knesset in 1973. In 1980, he began a term as Foreign Minister under then-Prime Minister Menachem Begin, during which he maintained diplomatic relations and engaged in peace negotiations with African countries.


In 1983, Shamir succeeded Begin as the next Prime Minister of Israel, continuing his conciliatory work by forming ties with the United States and President Ronald Reagan.


During his incumbency, he also initiated a rescue mission for Ethiopian Jews and negotiations with neighboring Middle Eastern civilizations.


Shamir’s valuable work as a peacemaker for Israel earned him the Israel Prize in 2001. His contributions impacted the state immensely and we honor his dedication by celebrating his birthday #onthisday.


✍: @madelynilana




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