Birthday of Levi Eshkol, 1895

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: October 25, 1895


#onthisday, 1895, the third Israeli Prime Minister, Levi Eshkol, was born in Oratovo, Ukraine.


Eshkol was a key soldier for Israel before and after it acquired statehood, supporting the Zionist movement and ultimately helping to establish the Israeli Defense Forces with David ben Gurion.


As a child, Eshkol attended a Hebrew high school in Ukraine and joined Tzeirei Tzion, a youth Zionist group.


He became a political activist in the Ottoman-occupied Palestine and entered the fight for justice as a volunteer soldier in the Jewish Legion of the British Army during WWI.


This was just the beginning of his military career. In 1940, Eshkol became a member of the Haganah, before helping to recruit members for the IDF in 1947.


The following year, when Israel became a State, he was chosen as the first Director General of the Ministry of Defense.


Simultaneously, he became head of the World Zionist Organization, so he was fighting for peace both on and off the battlefield.


Eshkol had plenty of experiences in Israel’s political realm, working as Minister of Agriculture and Development until assuming the position of Minister of Finance.


His largest achievement was his appointment as Prime Minister in 1963 where, 4 years later, he guided Israel through the Six Day War and began importing military supplies from the United States, strengthening the IDF.


There was certain criticism directed at Eshkol prior to the outbreak of war in 1967 during a radio address to the nation where he lacked the confidence in his voice to calm a country at the brink of total war.


Levi Eshkol died in 1969, becoming the first Prime Minister to pass away while still in office. Golda Meir succeeded him at this point.


His life and legacy were commemorated through a national park in Northern Israel and a Jerusalem neighborhood that were named after him.


✍: @madelynilana




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