Birthday of Groucho Marx, 1890

Originally published at:

On This Day in Jewish History: October 2, 1890


#onthisday, 1890, Julius Henry Marx, known to the world as Groucho, was born. He would go on to be one of the most beloved comic artists in American history.


Few comedians can match his success across multiple forms: Vaudeville and Broadway stages, movies, radio, television and memoir.


On screen, he combined a sharp wit and an endearing cowardice. He could take down pompous heads of state, charm rich widowers and survive the indignities foisted on him by Chico and Harpo with a bemused smile.


His comic style reached far beyond his verbal dexterity. In his wire-rimmed glasses and grease paint moustache and eye brows, he could play physical humor as well. Perhaps no comedian’s comic gestures—his bouncing leering eye-brows, the wise-guy lilt in his voice—have been impersonated as much as Groucho’s.


As his film career waned, Groucho moved into radio, debuting his quiz show You Bet Your Life on ABC in 1947. Three years later, and now a fixture on NBC, the show moved to television where it remained until 1960.


Week after week, Groucho hilariously interviewed contestants, the quiz portion of the show little more than an excuse for Groucho to display his remarkably quick wit and sly word play.


Having been forced to leave school at the age of 14, Groucho led a life devoted to self-education and he took great pride in the publication of his books.


A life-long democrat, Groucho was a member of the Committee for the First Amendment which in 1947 lent its support for the Hollywood artists being persecuted by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.


Married three times, Groucho was father to three children—Arthur, a widely published author and playwright, Miriam and Melinda, an actress and singer.


By the 1970s, Groucho Marx was a living legend, as he often answered his phone, and revered for a spirit of comedy that seemed as contemporary as it did when first projected on movie screens. He was awarded an honorary Oscar in 1974 and left the world a less amusing place in 1977.



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