Bar Ilan University is Founded, 1955

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On This Day in Jewish History: August 7th, 1955.

Bar Ilan University, the second largest university in Israel, was founded #onthisday August 7th, 1955 in Ramat Gan, Israel.


Founded by Professor Pinchos Churgin, an American Orthodox rabbi and educator, who was president from 1955 to 1957.


Bar-Ilan University is named after Rabbi Meir Bar-Ilan (Berlin), a prominent religious Zionist leader, and head of the Mizrachi movement. The school opened its doors with the emblem incorporating the Torah and a microscope, symbolizing the integration of Jewish heritage and science.


During its first year, 90 students studied at Bar-Ilan in 34 courses held in 8 classrooms and 2 laboratories – all in provisional buildings; the number of staff members totaled 23. Studies were conducted in 4 departments: Jewish Studies; Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Social Sciences; and Languages and Literature.


Basic Jewish studies are an integral part of the academic program at Bar-Ilan, in accordance with the university’s mission statement.


The university aims to “blend tradition with modern technologies and scholarship, and teach the compelling ethics of Jewish heritage to all … to synthesize the ancient and modern, the sacred and the material, the spiritual and the scientific.”


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