AJC Jewish and Proud Day, 2020

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/ajc-jewish-and-proud-day-2020/

On This Day in Jewish History: January 6, 2020



#onthisday, 2020, the @ajc.global organized the #JewishAndProud day, one day following a massive march against antisemitism in New York City.


Although much solidarity was shown, there is still significant work to be done to combat antisemitism – both in the US and abroad.


Through education, pride, and strength we can persevere and continue to build a better tomorrow. Not just today, but on all days by wearing your Jewish Pride for the world to see. Non-Jewish allies: listen to Jewish voices, raise all types of Jewish voices and (please) stand up alongside us.


: swipe for more


✍: @madelynilana





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