18th Zionist Congress Convenes in Wake of Nazis Taking Power, 1933

Originally published at: https://jewishoriginal.com/18th-zionist-congress-convenes-in-wake-of-nazis-taking-power-1933/

On This Day in Jewish History: August 21, 1933


#onthisday, 1933, the 18th Zionist Congress convened in Prague in the shadow of newly elected, Nazi Germany. This Congress was the first to come together following the Nazi rise to power.


At the time, British-occupied Palestine had a developing inflationary economy, and Chaim Arlosoroff, the Labor leader and leader of the Jewish Agency Political Department, had recently been assassinated by extremist, right-wing Revisionists in Tel Aviv.


Dr. Nahum Sokolow, the president of the World Zionist Organization, opened the 18th Zionist Congress with a speech. He said that in response to the evident dangers that have begun in Germany with the Naz rise to power, the Jewish people must remain united.


He reaffirmed the Zionist Movement’s ideals and stated that the need for a Jewish state must be brought before the international community. He emphasized that there must be a way for the Jews to find refuge in the future Israel.


A major push of German Jews would begin the move to British-occupied Palestine en masse within the next 3-4 years – making up the Fifth Aliyah.


German Jews brought a rich culture of cafes, art, music, and Bauhaus architecture. Tel Aviv became a bustling city growing exponentially with a strong economy while the rest of the world reeled from the Great Depression.


By 1938-39, the British passed their White Papers which were immigration laws that exclusively limited Jewish migration to occupied-Palestine during a crucial time.


Regardless, the underground and “illegal” migration of Jews during this time continued and would later be known Aliyah Bet – saving thousands from the clutches of the Holocaust.


Text Source: https://www.bjpa.org/content/upload/bjpa/reso/RESOLUTIONS%20OF%20THE%2018TH%20ZIONIST%20CONGRESS%20PRAGUE%20AUGUST%2021ST%20TO%20SEPT%203RD,%201933.pdf

Image Source: https://dbs.anumuseum.org.il/skn/en/c6/e175558/Photos/The_opening_ceremony_of_the_18th_Zionist_Congress_

✍: @rebeccaroth01

